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Upload a file
Upload your files from your computer to our database using
the easy upload tool below. You may upload as many as four
files per session. Things to remember:
- Fill in the Company Name field before clicking the
Upload Files Now button.
- For every file you select for upload, there should
be a corresponding file description.
How to use the Upload Tool:
- Click on the Browse button to select the file you
wish to upload.
- When uploading file folders, make sure they are
Zipped or Stuffed.
- Remember to label your files appropriately. Set
the file type box to All Files (*.*) in order to
properly select the files you wish to upload.
- When compiling loose files in one folder before
upload, please include a text file in the folder
with the following information: Project Name,
Company Name, Contact Name, Phone Number, and Date.
- Upload duration is dependent on the size of your
files and the speed of your internet connection. To
facilitate faster upload, you may break down large
files into a few smaller ones and then compress
these files into multiple archives. Label these
archives properly so they can be easily reassembled
for proofing.
- Click on the Upload Files Now button. A small
loading window will appear once upload has begun.
- A File Complete window will appear once upload is
- If you are having problems uploading files please call 334.269.0058 or 866.269.0060.
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.